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Nordictrack 1750 vs 2450 vs 2950: An In-Depth Comparison

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Nordictrack 1750 vs 2450 vs 2950: An In-Depth Comparison

It is important to get on a treadmill to burn calories and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Because of the effectiveness of running, it is becoming a popular part of many people’s workout routines.

Running is great, but it can be not easy to run for long distances. Many people want to have a quality treadmill in their home gym. Some machines are small, while others have unlimited power.

All of this being said, let’s take a look at NordicTrack, a market-leading brand. We will examine its machines and determine if they offer enough value.

This comparison will focus on three machines: The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs 2450 vs 2950.

See Also:

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs 2450 vs 2950: 2023 Winner?

HD Touch Screen

Nordictrack 2950 features a 22-inch touchscreen, which gives users a clear view of all their workouts. It is backlit, so you can exercise even in low light. Model 1750 features a 10 inch LCD screen, and NordicTrack 2450 has a 14-inch touchscreen.


NordicTrack 1750 is, therefore, more portable than the two other models. You can also fold it, which saves space.


Nordictrack 2950 comes with three built-in workout fans. These are great for summer workouts. It keeps the user cool while they work out. The NordicTrack 1750 and 2450 have two fans. NordicTrack 2950 is more reliable and easier to use.

Inbuilt Programs:

Nordictrack 1750 offers almost 50 programs onboard that can be used without registering to the iFit program.

The NordicTrack model 2950 has ten more programs than the model 1750.

The model 2450 also has 50 programs onboard.

NordicTrack treadmills come with a free one-year iFit subscription—access to online classes, best trainers and training paths.


The motor on the Nordictrack 1750 is 3.70 HP. The motor of the NordicTrack 2450 is 4.0 HP. The NordicTrack 2950’s motor is 4.25 HP larger and stronger than the other.

Running Belt

All three running belts measure 22 inches X 60 inches. However, the NordicTrack 2950 model has an un-stretch belt. It is a 2-ply commercial running belt.


Many people are concerned about price because not everyone can afford to spend too much. Look for something within your budget to meet your needs.

How much money do you plan to spend? Next, start looking for treadmills that fit within your budget.

Nordictrack 1750 is a good option if you have a tight budget. Nordictrack 2950 is the most expensive and has the most features.

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Review:

This Treadmill Could Be For You If:

  1. You will need lots of extras to keep you motivated, such as an iFit Membership with unlimited workout programs.
  2. Both incline or decline is desirable.
  3. A quiet treadmill motor is needed that can handle long-distance running, interval training, and speeds up to 12 mph.
  4. A treadmill should offer cushioning and protection for your joints. You also have the option to disable this feature so you can run on the pavement.

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is a popular treadmill that has received high customer reviews year after year. It is powerful, easy to use with iFit Coach, and a great value. There are a few minor improvements to the model that will improve your running experience.

The 10″ HD display improved graphics processing, dual 2.4GHz, 5GHz Wi-Fi connectivity speeds, and Bluetooth pairing. The new incline drive system is quieter than ever, which is always a plus.

Also, the speed and automatic incline control for live workouts have been enhanced. The 1750 comes with a yearlong iFit membership. However, the new models will offer a family membership.

The familiar highlights include the 3.75 CHP motor, which is strong enough to run, the 10-inch HD touch screen, iFit coach workouts, built-in workout programs, and power decline/incline to help shape your lower half.

The incline/decline feature works with iFit Coach and the elevations/dips of any terrain you explore using iFit’s Google Maps component. Virtually, you can experience routes throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe. iFit coach offers an endless variety of workout programs and provides goal-based suggestions.

This full-size treadmill can be folded down in ten seconds using the EasyLift Assist technology. The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 is still a popular choice for in-home workouts. [1]

NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Review:

This Treadmill Could Be For You If:

  1. A treadmill that folds easily is what you want
  2. A powerful motor is essential to support intense training.
  3. Commercial-grade treadmill parts are what you want
  4. You would like the ability to switch between on- and off cushioning
  5. You desire modern luxury, such as a large touch screen HD for viewing workout videos

NordicTrack Commercial 2450 is a folding treadmill that both runners and walkers can use. It has been rated highly in customer reviews. This treadmill easily wins one of our top buy awards for the best treadmills below $2,500, with high scores for its construction and programming.

It is almost as powerful as the Commercial 2950 and nearly identical from a technical standpoint. It received many updates in 2023, like the rest of its model range. These included new drivers for incline/decline and dual-band WiFi connectivity. Also, the graphics processing for the HD touchscreen was improved.

The new Commercial 2450 treadmill is iFit-enabled and has a power incline. This helps to increase metabolism and tone your muscles. It also allows you to make the most out of iFit Coach online training. Your treadmill will adjust to an uphill path if your program is showing one.

The Commercial 2450 also has a power decline, which is an uncommon feature in the treadmill market. The new NordicTrack2450 also features Bluetooth heart rate monitoring and Bluetooth audio connectivity, which will keep you entertained while working out. [2]

The Commercial 2450 warranty covers the frame for ten years, parts and labor for two years, and motors and electronics for two years. Factory-direct NordicTrack treadmills come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

NordicTrack Commercial 2950 Review:

The Commercial 2950 is NordicTrack’s best-selling home treadmill. It features a 22-inch touchscreen that encourages long, intense workouts. It allows you to train virtually along Google Maps routes. You can even see street views from your location as you move.

It also features HD resolution, which allows you to make the most of interactive iFit Coach videos. These allow you to exercise virtually with top-level trainers in beautiful settings around the world. The iFit Coach video can be set at a preset speed, or you can adjust your pace.

The 2023 model just launched has a few notable updates. Bluetooth headphones can now be paired with the treadmill via Bluetooth.

The treadmill’s incline drivers were also updated to reduce noise and improve response time. The treadmill features a large workout surface, durable belt, a 4.25 CHP motor, power decline, cooling fans, and storage areas.

The 2950 has a remarkable sound absorption and foldable frame. This is the final deal between NordicTrack and NordicTrack to make one of the most high-end treadmills on the market. [3]

See Also: treadmill for long distance running

Final Verdict

The NordicTrack 2950 is a powerful machine that offers all the top features. It is well-priced and is worth it.

Most people only want the best features at a reasonable price. The NordicTrack 2450 is the right choice for you if you are also one of these people.

The NordicTrack 1750 treadmill is very competitive in its class if budget constraints are your main concern.

FAQs [Nordictrack 1750 vs 2450 vs 2950]

Is there a basic range of inclines that beginners can use when running on a treadmill?

For beginners, set the incline range at between 2-3 per cent. Gradually increase the settings as you become more comfortable with the treadmill. Your goals will determine the range of incline.

You will notice a significant improvement in your body if you work at a 15% incline for a while. Walking at a higher angle will result in a toned body and better fitness.

Do I need to subscribe to iFit if Nordictrack gives me a one-year free subscription?

Yes, iFit is well worth the investment. You have the opportunity to train with some of the most respected trainers online. You can also compete against other members of the iFit community. Many Nordictrack treadmills allow for live workouts.

Your trainer can adjust your incline or decline range. Additionally, the trainer can also control your speed limit. Ifit users can communicate with their trainers via Ifit in real-time. You can ask your trainers any questions you may have.

What are the 40 programs included with the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 program?

Many people struggle to find the 40 onboard workouts. Lovatnet, Norway, tracks loads automatically. You can access the rest by pressing the icon of the person running.

You can choose from Calorie Burn or High Intensity. Each category offers ten choices. With the iFit membership, you can unlock unlimited programs.

Are all NordicTrack Commercial 2950 workouts inclusive of a personal trainer?

All the program workouts include voice prompts to provide motivational and instructional input.

Is the screen of the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 tilted?

Yes, your 22-inch touchscreen tilts a few inches up and down to provide the best viewing angle.

Can I stream movies using Wi-Fi from the NordicTrack Commercial 2950’s screen?

You can only view NordicTrack content on your 2950 screen.

Do I need to place a running mat underneath the NordicTrack Commercial 2950 treadmill?

Although you don’t need to, a NordicTrack Commercial 2950 treadmill with a running pad underneath it will reduce noise and dust buildup. This can lead to a decrease in durability.

What are the main differences between the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and 2450 treadmills?

Although many of the features are identical, the 2950 offers a more user-friendly experience. It has a 4.25 HP motor, while the 2450 has 4.0 HP and the 1750 has 3.75 HP. The higher you go up the echelon, the larger the screen will be. You get what you pay for, so the price goes up as you move from 1750 to 2950.

Where can I purchase the NordicTrack Commercial 2450?

NordicTrack is the best place to purchase your treadmill online. You’ll be able to take advantage of all the manufacturer’s discounts online and get special offers such as the 1-month iFit subscription that comes with the Commercial 2450.

How do I put together the NordicTrack Commercial 2450?

You can find many videos on Fitness Equipment Help’s YouTube channel that will help you assemble your NordicTrack treadmill. You can also opt for NordicTrack premier delivery, which includes delivery to your home and assembly.

How do I play music on the NordicTrack Commercial 2450?

Bluetooth audio is available on the Commercial 2450. You can connect your smartphone or tablet to stream music or podcasts wirelessly through its set of 3″ speakers.

What payment options and financing options does NordicTrack offer with the Commercial 2450 Treadmill

NordicTrack is very good about updating pricing specials for its machines. The current financing options include a $$ per month payment for 36 months at zero interest. This option also includes a free month of the iFit family membership plan valued at $$.

Is the screen set to sleep automatically?

Although the treadmill doesn’t have an independent power shutoff switch, the screen will automatically go to sleep mode if the belt is stopped for more than a few minutes. Unplug the machine to turn it off.

Can the screen be adjusted? Is it possible to tilt the screen up or down?

The screen is integrated into the console of the treadmill.

Can I watch TV from a NordicTrack 1750 treadmill?

Although the NordicTrack 1750 doesn’t have a TV built-in, it does have a touch screen 10 inches HD that you can use to stream studio sessions, Google Maps trails, and monitor your workout stats.

Is there a better place to purchase the NordicTrack Commercial 1750?

NordicTrack is a good option for those looking to save money on their treadmills.

Can the NordicTrack 1750 be used without iFit?

You can use the NordicTrack 1750 with or without iFit. You will, however, miss out on programming. There were many programs built into the device.

iFit now offers a few “workouts” of the day. This feature requires that the machine be connected to an internet connection. There are approximately five different workouts per day that focus on speed and calorie burning.

What does the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 weighing?

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill is approximately 320 lbs in weight and ships at 330 lbs (in its box). The 1750 can hold 300 lb. The treadmill has a 300 lb user capacity.

However, it is possible to push the treadmill beyond its weight limit. This could impact its longevity.

Is the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill too loud?

It is very quiet. The sound of your feet on the deck is more audible than the machine itself.

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